A 5 - star Hotel Construction Starts in Kutaisi
News ArchiveMarch 12, 2012
Construction of a 5 - star hotel will start in Kutaisi till the end of the year. The Mayor of the city told us that the matter was of the European company which already had a branch in Georgia. He added that the 5 - star hotel would have 80 - 150 rooms.

According to Mayor, construction of two smaller hotels meant for, on average, 60 rooms is already underway and will be completed in the summer. In his words, the night club of European standards was opened in the city and until 2013 construction of the movie theater worth 7 million USD will be completed.

Gia Tevdoradze notes, on the background of the city's recovery and rehabilitation, the flow of tourists is increasing from year to year and this year growth will exceed 20%.

Source: www.commersant.ge