"Wendy’s" Accuses "McDonald's" in Use of Genetically Modified Products
News ArchiveApril 10, 2012

“Wendy’s’” world fast-food chain’s President, International granted an exclusive interview with the radio "Commersant" and charges rivals in the world market and Georgian markets.

Let me remind you: "McDonald's" global competitor "Wendy’s" launches network development in Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Darrell G. van Ligten told us, "Wendy’s" always observed the country's policy with regard to food. He said the company had never used genetically modified products, and the "McDonald's" had used this practice.

According to Darrell G. van Ligten, "McDonald's" is their good competitor and the successful company. He claims that they will offer Georgian consumers products of better quality than "McDonald's". Top - Manager notes, "Wendy’s wants to be different not only in product quality but also service."

Along with that, Darrell G. van Ligten adds that "Wendy’s" decided to expand in Europe and, due to the huge competition in the west, the start was planned to launch from the eastern part.

"When I see the Georgian government's fiscal policy, real growth of economy , GDP and the corruption index, I’m convinced, that Georgia is very strong and the country leader is this part of the world," – Ligten says.
