What Criteria will Tourism Administration Use for Evaluation Hotels and Restaurants?
News ArchiveJuly 19, 2013
Tourism Administration begins to work on the creation of  Quality Assurance Service. Deputy Head of Tourism Administration Maya Chikvania states сommersant.ge that at this stage a work  on the evaluation system is in progress.In his words, on July 20, together with the private sector, the Department will consider the concept of the evaluation system and the private sector’s comments will be taken into consideration as well. “It’s still too early to discuss the creation of the Department. When there is a need for the creation of the department in the public sector, one or two days are not enough, so at the first stage  we are  speaking  only of the formation of the evaluation system, "- says Chikvania. Note: According to the Head of the Tourism Administration George Sigua,  service quality level  in Georgia's tourist facilities is very low. To remedy this problem, Quality Assurance Service is being created and is aimed at improvement of  the service sector in tourist facilities  across the country."We meet with the hotel and restaurant general managers, hold a conference on how the Quality Assurance Office should work. This will not be the controlling and auditing body, it will be a body that will conduct categorization. The restaurants, hotels and other tourist facilities will be  categorized without excessive pressure an intervention,  in a status of a secret guest, "- says Sigua. Note: The quality of tourist facilities was checked by "Global Star" and after checking it gave a numberof stars, but the company has not conducted this   work for several months.

Source: www.commersant.com