Number of Foreign Visitors Passes 3.5 Million Mark
News ArchiveSeptember 09, 2013
What are the National Tourist Administration’s plans for improving service and attracting more visitors to the country? Following the establishment of a hotline and the ‘mobile guide’ project, the administration is now planning to offer English language courses for taxi drivers. The head of the NTA Giorgi Sigua has told TV3 that the aim of the recent initiatives has been to improve service and support the tourism sector. According to him, there are plans to establish information centres in Tbilisi and Stepantsminda (Kazbegi), where visitors will be able to obtain full information about the country. He adds that the number of foreign visitors to Georgia in 2013 has already passed the 3.5 million mark, and is expected to reach 5 million before the end of the year. Mr. Sigua has not ruled out trying to attract investment in order to improve service even further.
