Centre Point after the Return
News ArchiveOctober 15, 2013
What is the situation at Centre Point construction sites 6 months after the assets were returned to the company? According to a statement from the company, 4 of the housing units are nearing completion, and are expected to become functional before the end of the year. Three further housing complexes are being built, including the Mionia complex, and are expected to be completed within a year. As for the suspended projects, Centre Point plans to resume them once it has obtained the appropriate permits from the Mayor’s Office. The company’s Commercial Director Paata Svanidze has told TV3 that investigations into the case of one of the housing units – the Tabukashvili 88 fellowship – are still ongoing, but will not affect the process of registering the flats in customers’ names. According to him, 1200 families have already had their new properties registered.
Centre Point received its assets back from the company Dexus in March 2013.

source: commercial.ge