After Signing an Association Agreement with the EU, Real Estate Prices could Rise
News ArchiveMarch 21, 2014
Representatives of the Georgian development companiessurveyed by "Commersant" do not rule out that after the signing an Association Agreement with the EU, real estate prices in the country can grow

In particular, Director General  of "Archi Group" IlyaTsulaia says  after signing the agreement standards in the country will exchange and requirements for the quality of building materials will be much higher than now.


"Those who today build poorly and sell apartments at a low price tomorrow will face additional costs. There are many such companies in our market. They build of substandard materials and it becomesnoticeable to the buyers when they receive electricity and gas bills two times higher than it could be in the case of qualitative construction,"- he notes.

The new standards will be considered in the building code project over which the government is working.