GDP grows by 7.5% in Q3
News ArchiveDecember 29, 2011

Georgia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) equaled 7.5 % in Q3 of 2011, according to the adjusted data of Geostat, the National Statistics Office of Georgia. In this period, GDP per capita at current prices amounted to 1 387.9 lari. The January-September real GDP growth was 6.2% year-on-year, Geostat said.

The largest share in sectoral structure of GDP is held by Industry (18.3%) followed by trade services (17.2%), followed by transport and communication services with 11%, the share of government spending was 12.2%, agriculture, forestry and fishing - 9.3%, construction -7.3%, while health and social work services was 6%.

Significant real growth was recorded in the following sectors: financial intermediation -24.9%, manufacturing -16.6%, other community, social and personal services were 11.3%, hotels and restaurants -10.9%, trade -9.2%, processing of products by households - 8.5% and communication - 8.2%.

Moderate real growth was recorded in agriculture, forestry and fishing (6.1%), construction (5.9%), public administration (5.8%), transport (5.2%), real estate, renting and business activities (4.9%), education (3.4%), electricity, gas and water supply (1.4%).

The financial sector grew 24% compared with the previous year in the third quarter and mining sector contracting grew 6.2% in the same period after 13.6% contraction in the second quarter of 2011.
